Samsung Card App
It was created to provide Samsung Card users with essential information and valuable information necessary for using the cards conveniently. It was produced to expand the younger users by removing the somewhat heavy and old image of the Samsung Group, removing it, and appealing to the younger generation.Result
MAU continues to grow, with a 20% increase in visitor numbers within two weeks of launching the new version. MAU increased from 4.72 million to more than 6.1 million in one year. Young users under 30 increased from 24% to 39% of the total users.We got awards from Korea IT Fair Awards 2020 (2nd Prize in Best App), NCSI Award 2019 (The Grand Prize in the Financial Sector), and Mobile Awards Korea 2019 (App of the Year Gold Medal in the Financial Sector).
As the General Director of UX/UI, Visual established a strategy, controlled the quality of design output, and managed the schedule and human resources to launch within the schedule. Through usability tests, I discovered problems with existing apps and customer needs and established improvement points and the UX concept and direction of the new version of the application.Challenges
We found that users did not dislike Samsung's existing characteristics but wanted to see a newer appearance through many usability tests. Users wanted to see Samsung's blue color and logo because they felt trust and security. It needed to keep Samsung's characteristics. However, continuously updated with engaging content and fun elements through micro-interaction appealed to existing users and young new users by breaking away from the old and boring image Samsung Card had before.The bigger challenge was to convince the executives. Existing apps have a complex and outdated look by using a lot of text to explain all services and functions. A method was presented to illustrate services more intuitively using simple infographics and micro-interactions in the limited space. My biggest challenge was explaining and selling new designs and technology to the executives. Using digital platforms has increased, and users have come into contact with digital services a lot; therefore, users have become proficient in understanding and handling digital screens.

Launched 1st Generation Android / iOS App in Oct. 2019
It is the new version of the representative service application of Samsung Card. You can monitor balance, see rewards earned, redeem points, manage account information, and keep track of active offers and benefits. It is also an easy and secure way to pay in apps, websites, and restaurants. You can monitor balance, see rewards earned, and redeem points. It got awards for Mobile Awards Korea 2019 (App of the Year Gold Medal in Financial Sector), NCSI (National Customer Satisfaction Index) Award 2019 (The Grand Prize in Financial Sector), App Awards Korea 2020 (App Financial of the Year.)
Samsung Pay Digital Card
Digital cards were introduced as digital demand increased and online payments increased. The dynamic movement available on the digital platform provides users with an exciting experience.
It became possible to explain the cards and the card's benefits through animation in a limited space. It became possible to explain intuitively to users more quickly than by reading texts through this.